What are the ABCDE's of Skin Cancer
"Let's make everyday, a sunscreen kind of day."
"The *American Cancer Society states that the cancer of the skin, is by far the most common kind of all cancers, and are estimating that 8,290 people will die of melanoma skin cancer in 2024." So how do we know what to look for? Let's talk about it.
Remember when we were kids learning our ABCs? And now as adults we could never unlearn our alphabet? Our letters are with us for life! Well, we’re here to piggyback on those early days of learning with a new lesson: The ABCs of Skin Cancer, with the addition of D, E & P! Don't worry, we will explain, they could save your life!
To get started, we’re adding a couple of letters to our ABCs: D & E. The ABCDEs of skin cancer weren't as catchy – but the added D & E are just as important to your health. When checking your skin for signs of skin cancer, remember your ABCDEs:
A is for Asymmetry
When it comes to skin cancer, one of the telltale signs is a mole’s asymmetry. If one side of a mole is round or oval but not the other, take note of where it’s located on your body and ask your doctor to have a look as soon as possible.
B is for Border
Our next red flag while scanning our skin is an irregularly shaped border around your mole. If the border is notched or scalloped or in any way misshapen, jot down the location on your body as a reminder to show your doctor sooner rather than later.
C is for Color
Yes, you guessed it! Just like the symmetry and border, if the color of your mole is not consistent across the surface, perhaps even changing over time, that’s another sign of potential skin cancer. More than one color or uneven color is also a possible hazard. As always, write down the location in preparation to ask your doctor to inspect the color.
D is for Diameter
While most moles are safe and can be considered beauty marks (hello, Cindy Crawford!), it’s better to be safe than sorry. And size is another aspect that’s worth inspecting. If you have a mole that is larger than a pencil eraser – or more than ¼ inch in size, pencil it in your notes for your doctor to inspect, especially if you’ve noticed a change in the size.
E is for Evolving
And as mentioned above in the A-Ds, if your mole changes in any way, from a change in size or shape or color or height, have it checked out by your doctor. Even if it looks the same but begins to itch, bleed, or feel tender, mark it on your list.
And if any part of your skin, whether or not it’s a mole, transitions into a sore that won’t heal, have your doctor take a look.
There’s no P in our ABCDEs, but we’re adding this extra letter as a reminder of prevention and precaution. An added precaution we recommend to everybody is to schedule a yearly body scanning appointment with a Dermatologist, in order to track any changes to moles or spots of concern on your body.
We also want to prevent further skin damage. By wearing a daily moisturizer with a high SPF and Broad-Spectrum UVA/UVB protection, we are protecting our bodies before we’ve left the house.
One final "P"...please schedule a skin check with your dermatologist today!
Now we know our ABCs (and DEs…and P's).
Take it from me, a Skin Cancer Patient now for life, make sunscreen your favorite product and put it on daily!
#skincancer #ABCsofskincancer #melanomaawareness
“Healthy Skin is Happy Skin”
*Reference: American Cancer Society
Robin Wayman
Founder/Cosmetic Formulator
All Rights Reserved © 2020-2024 SunLux Skincare
*Disclaimer: I am a trained Cosmetic Skincare Formulator and this article is intended for informational & educational purposes only, and we feel it meets our SunLux Skincare standards. We never claim to heal or cure any skin conditions. If you need additional help we always recommend our customers & readers go see their local Dermatologist.